
Border of Whimsicality 0.07.15

Oops, little bug in the earlier version. This should be the fixed version, along with other minor adjustments:


Border of Whimsicality 0.07.1

The next version of Border of Whimsicality that includes bug fixes that were not apparent in 0.07. The difficulty in some areas has also been decreased, among other slight changes.


Border of Whimsicality 0.07 released!

As you might have seen, I posted a commentary on my RPG in its development processes, how it was just a speculation in my mind's eye and then suddenly to something that actually works.
Well, now I've made the seventh demo! Link is here:
This is a pretty big update from the last demo - spent quite a while making it and enhancing multiple aspects to make it like Earthbound/MOTHER.

Below is a Q&A I took from my profile on a particular forum called Fig Hunter that will help those who don't know how to play the game. There's a small tl;dr part there somewhere.

Q. I am trying to run your games but what do????/// DDDDD:

A. (NOTE: You must be able to run .exe files if you are to play the games!)
To play my games is simple. First - you require the RPG Maker VX Ace RTP (runtime package). This is only required to download once, and after installing, you can run any RPG Maker VX Ace game (which include all of mine).
Link to the runtime package is here: http://www.rpgmakerweb.com/download/run-time-package‎
Then, you open the file that you downloaded from the original game link, choose where to extract the game files on your computer, then run the .exe provided in the output folder. It is highly recommended you read the answer to the next question which is...

Q. Why the game text look so horrible????//// I cry because it is bad D:


Q. Why it say it no find [file/font]? I cry because I can't play D:

A. The games have a file called 'cirno.ttf' located inside them. #Like the RTP installation, this is only needed to be done once on a computer.# Install that font onto your computer and it should be absolutely fine. For the time being, this is the only font required to play the games.
You will have to browse the internet on basic instructions to install fonts. It's not that difficult. At all. Nope. And it's definitely worth it, considering the overall quality of my... RPGs.

tl;dr: Download RTP (runtime package). Install. Open game .exe, extract, then install cirno.ttf.

Other questions:

Q. Why first persons??? It suck :(((

A. It would look possibly more generic if it were side-view (being able to see the character(s) in combat, visibly attacking and such), because with certain actions, skills and whatnot, the side-view would be unreliable to create the same enjoyment and possibilities the first-person style would have. An example - the MOTHER-inspired RPG includes game elements where imagination fuels what happens in each battle, and also with strange ailments, too. (Note: The lack of a proper side-view system may also be out of lethargy. We'll never know.)